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Sui Lightclient

dWallet Network leverages the Sui Light Client to integrate with Sui, bringing dWallets trustlessly into the Sui Network. This allows developers to enforce their dWallet logic in Sui modules on the Sui Mainnet, bringing trustless and programmable Bitcoin, Ethereum and almost any other asset on Web3 to Sui, and allowing other solutions such as fast decentralized custody to be built.

The dWallet module is published to Sui Testnet at 0xda072e51bf74040f2f99909595ef1db40fdc75071b92438bb9864f6c744c6736. This module should be used by Sui builders to build their own modules, which means that end applications will not interact with this module directly. In order to import this module from your Sui module, use:

dwallet_network = { git = "", subdir = "integrations/sui", rev = "main" }

Note: This module is in its early stages and we should anticipate breaking changes and improvements.


First, we must setup the environment. Begin by importing necessary functions:

import { SuiClient } from '@mysten/sui.js/client';
import { DWalletClient } from '@dwallet-network/dwallet.js/client';
import { Ed25519Keypair } from '@dwallet-network/dwallet.js/keypairs/ed25519';
import { requestSuiFromFaucetV0 as requestDwltFromFaucetV0 } from '@dwallet-network/dwallet.js/faucet';

import {
} from '@dwallet-network/dwallet.js/signature-mpc';

Then define the following constant to work against the dWallet Network Testnet & Sui Testnet:

const serviceUrl = '';

const dWalletNodeUrl = '';

const suiTestnetURL = '';

const configObjectId = '0xf084273c85bfc3839be06bd51fed4ac48b0370f9e084d8f37c1d22407e61213b';

const dWalletCapPackageSUI = '0xda072e51bf74040f2f99909595ef1db40fdc75071b92438bb9864f6c744c6736';

const sui_client = new SuiClient({ url: suiTestnetURL });
const dwallet_client = new DWalletClient({ url: dWalletNodeUrl });

After following these steps to create a dWallet, you should have ownership of the DWalletCap object that has absolute control over it. Extract the dWallet ID from the output, as we'll need it later on:

const dkg = await createDWallet(keyPair, dwallet_client);

if (dkg == null) {
throw new Error('createDWallet returned null');
let { dwalletCapId } = dkg;

In order to control it from a Sui module, the DWalletCap object from the Sui dwallet_cap module is used. Ownership of this object will allow complete control over the dWallet linked to it; thus, limiting control over this object (e.g. by wrapping it by your own module's object) effectively allows controlling the dWallet linked to it.

struct DWalletCap has key, store {
id: UID,
dwallet_network_cap_id: ID,

To create a DWalletCap object, we need to call the dwallet_cap::create_cap() method on Sui:

let txb = new TransactionBlockSUI();

let dWalletCapArg = txb.pure(dwalletCapId);

let [cap] = txb.moveCall({
target: `${dWalletCapPackageSUI}::dwallet_cap::create_cap`,
arguments: [dWalletCapArg],

txb.transferObjects([cap], keyPair.toSuiAddress());


let res = await sui_client.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({
signer: keyPair,
transactionBlock: txb,
options: {
showEffects: true,

const createCapTxId = res.digest;

let first = res.effects?.created?.[0];
let ref;
if (first) {
ref = first.reference.objectId;
console.log('cap created', ref);
} else {
console.log('No objects were created');

Now that we have executed the create_cap on Sui Tx createCapTxId, we can prove that to the dWallet Network. This transaction emits a DWalletNetworkInitCapRequest event that specifies the object ID of the newly created DWalletCap object and the object ID of the dWallet Cap we wish to control on dWallet Network:

struct DWalletNetworkInitCapRequest has copy, drop {
cap_id: ID,
dwallet_network_cap_id: ID,

To prove this event was created to the dWallet Network, call the submitDwalletCreationProof() function, which will take submit a state proof that this transaction id on Sui Testnet created a new DWalletCap. We use the output of the dkg for extracting the DWalletCap id on dWallet Network, so we can wrap it to link to the sui capability.

await submitDWalletCreationProof(

This will create a new CapWrapper object in dWallet Network, that wraps the DWalletCap and registers the corresponding cap_id on Sui, thus forming the link between the two objects:

struct CapWrapper has key, store {
id: UID,
cap_id_sui: ID,
cap: DWalletCap,

Approve Message on Sui for Signing in dWallet Network

Now that our dWallet is linked to a DWalletCap on Sui, its owner on Sui can use it to approve a message for signing. Let's say we want to sign the message "dWallets are coming... to Sui", we can now call the dwallet_cap::approve_message() method on Sui:

let txb = new TransactionBlockSUI();

const message = 'dWallets are coming... to Sui';

let signMsgArg = txb.pure(message);
target: `${dWalletCapPackageSUI}::dwallet_cap::approve_message`,
arguments: [cap, signMsgArg],


let res = await sui_client.signAndExecuteTransactionBlock({
signer: keyPair,
transactionBlock: txb,
options: {
showEffects: true,

const approveMsgTxId = res.digest;

Now that we have executed the create_cap on Sui Tx createCapTxId, we can prove that to the dWallet Network. This transaction emits a DWalletNetworkApproveRequest event that specifies the object ID of the DWalletCap object and approved message bytes:

struct DWalletNetworkApproveRequest has copy, drop {
cap_id: ID,
message: vector<u8>,

Now we follow the steps to sign with a dWallet but we stop after creating the signMessages object. Next, we call the submitDwalletCreationProof() function, which will take submit a state proof to the dWallet network that this transaction on Sui Testnet approved this message for signing.

let res = await submitTxStateProof(

console.log('res', res);

This will generate a signature:

res {
signOutputId: '0x876fa89ee94ef75116a72dc7b92365f85a83e25be629ac4757e05ad3ac58c78f',
signatures: [
86, 107, 94, 207, 24, 127, 170, 14, 209, 83, 87,
20, 40, 109, 197, 57, 212, 181, 5, 197, 248, 49,
179, 48, 101, 182, 117, 119, 128, 215, 28, 137, 92,
143, 15, 210, 48, 43, 134, 160, 120, 104, 2, 194,
117, 210, 187, 37, 30, 225, 113, 206, 240, 166, 130,
84, 34, 35, 52, 93, 168, 60, 27, 247