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Connect to a dWallet Network

You can use our test network, to experiment with the version of dWallet running on that network. You can also spin up a local dWallet network for local development.

You can request test DWLT tokens through your local faucet. The coins on these networks have no financial value. There is no faucet service for Mainnet.


The following tools can be used to interact with dWallet networks:

Environment setup

First, Install dWallet. After you install dWallet, request DWLT test tokens using cURL to request tokens from your local faucet.

To check whether dWallet is already installed, run the following command:

which dwallet

If dWallet is installed, the command returns the path to the dWallet binary.

If dWallet is not installed, it returns dwallet not found.

Configure dWallet client

To connect the dWallet client to a network, run the following command:

dwallet client

If you receive the dwallet-client help output in the console, you already have a client.yaml file. See Connect to a custom RPC endpoint to add a new environment alias or to switch the currently active network.

The first time you start dWallet client without having a client.yaml file, the console displays the following message:

Config file ["<PATH-TO-FILE>/client.yaml"] doesn't exist, do you want to connect to a dWallet Full node server [y/N]?

Press y and then press Enter. The process then requests the RPC server URL:

dWallet Full node server URL (Defaults to dWallet Testnet) :

Press Enter to connect to dWallet Testnet. To use a custom RPC server, enter the URL to the correct RPC endpoint and then press Enter.

If you enter a URL, the process prompts for an alias for the environment:

Environment alias for [<URL-ENTERED>] :

Type an alias name and press Enter.

Select key scheme to generate keypair (0 for ed25519, 1 for secp256k1, 2 for secp256r1):

Press 0, 1, or 2 to select a key scheme and the press Enter.

dWallet returns a message similar to the following (depending on the key scheme you selected) that includes the address and 12-word recovery phrase for the address:

Generated new keypair for address with scheme "ed25519" [0xb9c83a8b40d3263c9ba40d551514fbac1f8c12e98a4005a0dac072d3549c2442]
Secret Recovery Phrase : [cap wheat many line human lazy few solid bored proud speed grocery]

Connect to a custom RPC endpoint

Check the available environments

To check currently available environment aliases, run the following command:

dwallet client envs

The command outputs the available environment aliases, with (active) denoting the currently active network.

│ alias │ url │ active │
│ local │ │ * │

Create a new environment

To add a new alias for a custom RPC endpoint, run the following command. Replace values in < > with values for your installation:

dwallet client new-env --alias <ALIAS> --rpc <RPC-SERVER-URL>

To add the testnet RPC for example, run the following command:

dwallet client new-env --alias testnet --rpc

Then when you run dwallet client envs you will see the new env

│ alias │ url │ active │
│ local │ │ * │
│ testnet │ │ │

Yet, the active env remains local.

Switch environments

To switch the active network, run the following command:

dwallet client switch --env <ALIAS>

To switch to the testnet env you created in the example above, run the following command:

dwallet client switch --env testnet

Then when you run dwallet client envs you will see the active env is now testnet

│ alias │ url │ active │
│ local │ │ │
│ testnet │ │ * │

If you encounter an issue, delete the dWallet configuration directory (~/.dwallet/dwallet_config) and reinstall the latest dWallet binaries.